13,500 BTU Air Conditioner w/ Heat Strip
Frame out for Air
Awning Deluxe – 7′ x 12′ (8500 Series)
Extra length to Awning Deluxe (8500 Series)
Center Rafter – For awnings over 15′
To install aluminum bracket and rail for awning (so customer can install awning)
5200 Ib. Tandem axle in place of 3500 Ib. Tandem axle
6000 Ib. Tandem axle in place of 3500 Ib. Tandem axle
7000 Ib. Tandem axle in place of 6000 Ib. Tandem axle
8000 Ib. Tandem axle in place of 7000 Ib. Tandem axle
6000 lb or 7000 Ib. Axle w/ I0-ply Tires
8000 lb Axle w/ 10-ply Tires
8000 Ib. Axle w/ 16-ply Tires
Butt or breast bars (per pair)
One Piece Spring Loaded Butt or Breast Bar at back to keep horse in w/ No back tack
One Piece Chain w/ plastic cover and hooks
For Each Additional Adjustment (Butt or Breast Bar)
Ceiling insulated and paneled (figure long wall and 8″ for gooseneck)
Walls insulated and paneled (Deluxe models – add 8′ for gooseneck) NOTE: One a “970” model figure 8′ on the slant wall, plus long wall and 8′ for gooseneck
Extra blanket rack
Cigarette lighter, 12 volt
12 Volt lunadome
Fantastic Fan w/ built in thermostat in place of regular lunadome
Divider w/ rubber mats hanging underneath (per divider)
16″ middle divider w/ butt bar, breast bar and front post
Complete full divider or Two piece divider (need height of divider off floor)
Extra aluminum 16″ divider (slant or straight)
To add bottom to aluminum 16″ divider (need height of divider off floor)
To make divider to go both ways (per divider)
To make divider to be able to move to different locations (per location)
To make divider heavy duty
Slant pipe divider (when customer deletes slant wall)
(Stock Trailer): T Divider w/ padded butt bar
(Stock Trailer): Tubing divider w/ butt and breast bar and front post
(Stock Trailer): Shoulder guard on T Divider or Tubing Divider
Walk-thru Door from dressing room to tack room or to horses area (need to know which way to swing) **Specify height and front or back of feed trough if center walk thru**
Center tack door (28″ or 31″)
Gore made door w/ sliding window
Full Walk thru escape door
Small escape door (like the ones that go over top of fender)
Dressing room door w/ screen (28″ wide)
Dead bolt lock
Cam lock on door (per cam lock)
One piece back gate in place of regular door
Door in side of gooseneck without window
Door in side of gooseneck with window
Plywood sliding door at start of gooseneck
Saddle doors
40/60 back doors (extra)
Doors in place of breast or butt bar
Deluxe feed door w/ window and bars (25″ x 25″)
Deluxe feed door w/ window and bars in place of regular drop feed window
Combination back gate in place of regular door (Reinforce back)
Two full length back doors w/ window and cam latch in place of Combination Gate – No charge
Equalizer brackets on tongue
12 Volt fan in horse stall
Feed Bags – (Inside)
Feed Box – Top Open (Outside)
Canvas Mesh at Feed Door so Horse cannot stick his head out
Feed Trough w/ lights, hooks and door (per horse)
To DELETE a door (less)
To move center gate to different locations (per location)
Drop down gate going into gooseneck
To make combination gate one piece – No charge
Center stock trailer gate – 4′ solid – w/ bars above it – total height of approx. 5′ *No rubber on side
Stud divider gate w/ rubber kick plates (approx. 1″ off floor) (Solid to height of top rail)
Diamond plate to go around front of trailer
Diamond plate on fenders (this includes both fenders)
To add 6″ extra height (figure total length of trailer including gooseneck)
Bucket hooks (flip down)
Cargo hooks (recess)
Inside or outside ties
Bridle hooks
12V Electric jack for pull-type trailers in place of regular jack w/ battery and charger
Extra drop foot jack (under gooseneck)
Hydraulic – One single 12V Hydraulic jack
Hydraulic – One pair 12V Hydraulic jacks
Extra length on a 6′ wide trailer For 7’6″ tall
Extra length on a 79″ wide trailer For 7’6″ tall
Extra length on a 7′ wide trailer For 7’6″ tall
Outside Front Open Tack Box
Padded stalls and divider
Plywood on floor of gooseneck and front wall of gooseneck
4′ ramp w/ dutch doors and window in place of tall doors
Tall doors w/ rubber bumper in place of ramp w/ dutch doors
To fix top doors over ramp on 7′ and 8′ wide trailers to swing to side of trailer
4′ ramp over back doors
Single ramp at front horse w/ top door and window in place of escape door
Double ramp at front two horses w/ top door and window in place of escape door
Extra height or extra width on back or side ramp
55″ side ramp (used on our head to head trailers)
4′ ramp in place of combination gate – No Charge
One pair of dutch doors w/ window above ramp
One pair of tubing dutch doors (squared off)
To delete back tack
To add a chain across back
Shelf in back tack
Brush tray
Rubber kick plates
Floor mats – 6′ Wide
Floor mats – 7′ Wide
Floor mats – 8′ Wide
Rubber dock bumper
Rubber mats in place of carpet in dressing room
Saddle compartment w/ head divider, light, 2 – feed doors and one saddle door added to front of pull type stock trailer
Seal off saddle compartment with 2-doors and light (dressing room model)
Saddle racks
Swing out saddle rack in back tack
Small Stainless Steel fold down step used going up into gooseneck
Gore made aluminum fold down step for dressing room door
Stainless Steel Nose on Gooseneck trailer (cost for the front sheet)
5′ tall sides
Shim in sides
For an extra 1/2″, 1″ or 2″ stripe installed
To “restripe” an older/new aluminum trailer
To “restripe” an older/new aluminum trailer
Tape Color Chart
To go to: ST225/75R15 (8-Ply) in place of ST205/75R15 (6-Ply)
To go to: LT235/85R16 (10-Ply) in place of ST225/75R15 (8-Ply)
To go to: LT235/85R16 (14-Ply) in place of LT235/85R15 (10-Ply)
To go to: 215/75R17.5 (16-Ply) in place of LT235/85R16 (10-Ply) Note: The 17.5 is aluminum wheel
ST205/75R15 (6-Ply) = 1820 lbs. Ea. @ 50 PSI
ST225/75R15 (8-Ply) = 2540 lbs. Ea @ 65 PSI
LT235/85R16 (8-Ply) = 3200 lbs. Ea. @ 65 PSI
LT235/85R16 (10-Ply) = 3040 lbs. Ea. @ 80 PSI
LT235/85R16 (14-Ply) = 3750 lbs. Ea @ 110 PSI
215/75R17.5 (16-Ply) = 4805 lbs. Ea. @ 120 PSI
Electric Over Hydraulic Brakes on Trailer **Must use the correct brake control on vehicle
Aluminum top air scoop
Butterfly Air Vent
Straight across divider wall for a 6′, 7′ or 8′ wide trailer
Slant divider wall for a 6′, 7′ or 8* wide trailer
Above walls w/ 1″ tubing at top for air flow (4″ apart)
Above walls to swing or to be removable
Divider Wall in Gooseneck
15″, 5 or 6-Hole Aluminum Wheels (ln place of regular wheels)
16″, 6 or 8-Hole Aluminum Wheels (In place of regular wheels)
17.5 Alcoa 8-Hole Aluminum Wheels (In place of regular wheels)
Small picture window (15″H x 22″W)
Medium picture window or escape window (22″H x 30″W)
Large picture window (24″H x 48″W)
(14″H x 48″W) or (14″H x 59″W) Bus window
To install a radius sliding window in camper door, walk thru door or Gore-made door
Drop down feed window w/ bars in back door in place of regular window
Drop down feed window w/ bars at horses tail (in slant models) – in place of regular window
Slats at horses head (no feed window) – **NO CHARGE** **NO CREDIT**
To go from 6’ wide to 79″ wide **Total length including gooseneck**
To go from 79″ wide to 84″ wide **Total length including gooseneck**
To go from 84″ wide to 93″ wide **Total length including gooseneck**
120 V wiring w/ one outlet
Extra 120 outlets (Inside)
Outside Ground Fault Receptacle
120 wiring from back tack to dressing room for generator
Pre-wire for air
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